Operation Guide 3228
To delete a Data Bank record
1. In the Data Bank Mode, use [+] (+) and [÷] (–) to scroll through the records and
display the one you want to delete.
2. Hold down A until the flashing cursor appears on the display. This is the record
input screen.
3. Press B and C at the same time to delete the record.
CLR appears to indicate that the record is being deleted. After the record is
deleted, the cursor appears on the display, ready for input.
4. Input data or press A to return to the Data Bank record screen.
You can use the Calculator Mode to perform arithmetic calculations, as well as
currency conversion calculations. You can also use the Calculator Mode to turn the
input tone on and off.
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the Calculator Mode, which you
enter by pressing B (page E-5).
• Before starting a new calculation or currency conversion operation in the Calculator
Mode, first use C to display one of the screens shown below.
• Arithmetic and currency conversion calculation input and result values can be up to
eight digits for positive values, and seven digits for negative values.
• Exiting the Calculator Mode causes all currently displayed values to be cleared.
Mode time
Calculator Screen
Value input area
Currency Converter Screen
How the
C button affects the current screen in the Calculator Mode
• Pressing C while the current screen (arithmetic calculator or currency converter
screen) shows a value other than zero will clear the screen to zero, without
changing to the other screen.
• Pressing C while an
E (error) indicator is displayed clears the E (error) indicator,
but does not clear the current calculation to zero.
• Pressing C while the current screen (arithmetic calculator or currency converter
screen) is cleared to zero, will switch to the other screen.
Performing Arithmetic Calculations
You can perform the following types of arithmetic calculations in the Calculator Mode:
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, arithmetic constants, powers, and
approximate values.
To perform arithmetic calculations
When the calculator screen is displayed in the Calculator
Mode, you can use the keypad to input calculations just
as you do with any standard calculator. See the examples
below for details.
• Be sure to press C to clear the arithmetic calculator
screen to zero before beginning each calculation. If the
screen is already cleared, pressing C will switch to the
currency converter screen.
• While you are inputting a calculation, values are
displayed in the value input area, and operators are
displayed in the operator area of the display.
Operator area
Operator symbol
Value input area
• To perform a constant calculation, input the value you want to use as a constant and
then press one of the arithmetic operator keys twice. This makes the value you input
a constant, which is indicated by the
n indicator next to the operator symbol.
• An
E (error) indicator will appear whenever the result of a calculation exceeds 8
digits. Press C to clear the error indicator. After that, you will be able to continue
the calculation using an approximate result.
(Basic Calculation)
12.3 + 74 - 90 = -3.7
(12 - 0.5) × 3 ÷ 7
(Constant Calculation)
10 + 7 = 17
12 + 7 = 19
= 27.9841
x3 &
4 9285&14
+K 1&
+K 19
XK 2& 9841
• The following table describes how to correct input errors and how to clear the
calculator after you finish using it.
When you need to do this:
Correct or change the value you are
currently inputting, without deleting the
part of the calculation you have input up
to the current value
Correct or change the arithmetic operator
(+, –, ×, ÷) you have just input
Completely clear the calculation you are
Clear a displayed calculation result
(produced by pressing the [+], [–],
×], [÷], or [=PM] key) and its
Perform this key operation:
Press C to clear the displayed value
and return to the
0 display. Next, input
the value you want.
Without pressing C, press the key for
the correct arithmetic operator.
Press C to clear the displayed value
and return to the
0 display. Next, press
C again.
Press C.
Currency Conversion Calculations
You can register a single currency exchange rate for quick and easy conversion to
another currency.
• The default conversion rate is
× 0 (multiply the input value by 0). × represents the
multiplication operator and 0 is the exchange rate. Be sure to change the value to
the exchange rate value and the operator (multiplication or division) you want to use.
To change the exchange rate and the operator
1.While the currency converter screen is displayed in the
Calculator Mode, hold down A until the exchange rate
starts to flash on the display. This is the setting screen.
2.Use the keypad to input the exchange rate and the
operator ([
×]or [÷]) you want to use.
• To clear the displayed exchange rate to zero, press
3.Press A to exit the setting screen.
Operator symbol
Exchange rate
To check the current exchange rate and operator setting
1. While the currency converter screen is displayed in the Calculator Mode, hold down
A until the exchange rate starts to flash on the display. This is the setting screen.
• The setting screen will also show the current exchange rate and operator setting.
2. Press A to exit the setting screen.
To perform a currency conversion calculation
1. While the currency converter screen is displayed in the Calculator Mode, use the
keypad to input the value from which you want to convert.
2. Press [=PM] to display the conversion result.
3. Press C to clear the conversion result.
• An
E (error) indicator appears on the display when the result of a calculation
exceeds 8 digits. Press C to clear the error indicator.
• Pressing [=PM] while a calculation result is displayed will apply the conversion rate
again to the displayed value.
Turning the Input Tone On and Off
An input tone causes the watch to beep each time you press a button or keypad key.
You can turn off the input tone if you want.
• The input tone on/off setting you select in the Calculator Mode is applied to all other
modes, except the Stopwatch Mode.
• Note that alarms will continue to sound even if the input tone is turned off.
To turn the input tone on and off
While the calculator screen or currency converter screen
is displayed in the Calculator Mode, hold down C for
about two seconds to toggle the input tone on (MUTE
indicator not displayed) and off (MUTE indicator
• Holding down C will also switch the Calculator Mode
screen (page E-21).
• The MUTE indicator is displayed in all modes when the
input tone is turned off.
MUTE indicator
You can set up to five independent multi-function alarms
with hour, minutes, month, and day. When an alarm is
turned on, the alarm tone sounds when the alarm time is
reached. One of the alarms can be configured as a
snooze alarm or a one-time alarm, while the other four are
one-time alarms.
You can also turn on an Hourly Time Signal, which will
cause the watch to beep twice every hour on the hour.
• There are five alarm screens numbered 1 through 5. The
Hourly Time Signal screen is indicated by
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the
Alarm Mode, which you enter by pressing B (page E-5).
Alarm time
Alarm number
Mode time
Alarm date
Hourly Time Signal Screen
Alarm Screen