Operation Guide 2894
To display your current altitude
1. Press C in the Timekeeping Mode or in an y of
the other sensor modes to enter the Altimeter
Mode .
• The watch will automatically star t altitude
measurement, and displa y the result.
• It can tak e up to f our or five seconds f or the
altitude reading to appear after y ou enter
the Altimeter Mode .
2. Leave the watch in the Altimeter Mode if y ou
want the displa yed altitude v alue and the
altitude g raph contents to be updated at
regular inter vals.
• During the first three min utes after enter ing
the Altimeter Mode , the ACT indicator will
flash on the displa y as measurements are
taken every five seconds . After that, the
ACT indicator will disappear and
measurements will be tak en every two
Current altitude
Altitude graph
Mode time
• If you want to restart the altitude measurement operation at any point,
press C.
3. To stop the altitude measurement operation, press D to exit the Altimeter
• Normally, displayed altitude values are based on the watch's preset
conversion values. You can also specify a reference altitude, if you want.
See “Specifying a Reference Altitude”.
• Altitude is displayed in units of 5 meters (20 feet).
• The measurement range for altitude is –700 to 10,000 meters (–2,300 to
32,800 feet).
• The measured altitude may be a negative value in cases where there is a
reference altitude value set or because of certain atmospheric conditions.
• The displayed altitude value changes to
xxxxx meters (or feet) if a
measured altitude falls outside the measurement range. The altitude value
will be displayed again as soon as the measured altitude is within the
allowable range.
• You can change the measurement unit for displayed altitude values to either
meters (m) or feet (ft). See “To select the temperature, barometric pressure,
and altitude Units”.
Saving Altitude Data
The save altitude data oper ation descr ibed in this section creates records of
altitude measurement data in w atch memor y. When y ou star t a save session,
measurement contin ues to be perf ormed (indicated b y the REC indicator
flashing on the displa y) even if you change to another mode .
Types of Altitude Data Records
A save session stores three types of altitude records in memor y: periodic
records (up to 40), a current session record, and a histor ical record.
Periodic Records
A save session creates up to 40 altitude records at fix ed intervals and stores
them in memor y. You can use the Data Recall Mode to vie w these records .
How periodic records are created and saved
The following oper ation is perf ormed sim ultaneously with the oper ation
described under “How current session record data is updated”.
1. When y ou hold do wn C to star t a save session, the w atch creates P eriodic
Record 1, which contains the current date (month and da y), time, and
• Starting a ne w save session clears an y periodic records currently in
memor y and star ts a ne w set of per iodic records.
2. Next, the w atch tak es readings f or Periodic Record 2 up to P eriodic Record
40 at min ute 00, 15, 30, and 45 of each hour .
3. Altitude measurement and per iodic record stor age stops automatically after
Periodic Record 40 is stored.
• You can also stop the sa ve session man ually by holding do wn C again.
This will create the ne xt sequential per iodic record, which contains the
current date (month and da y), time, and altitude .
Current Session Record
The Current Session Record contains the data descr ibed belo w. The contents
of this record are updated at regular inter vals while a save session is in
High Altitude
Low Altitude
Total Ascent
Total Descent
Relative Altitude
Highest altitude reached during the current session.
Lowest altitude reached during the current session.
Total cumulative ascent during the current session.
Total cumulative descent during the current session.
Relative change in altitude during the current session.
• The maxim um total ascent and total descent v alue is 99,995 m
(or 99,980 ft). Each value reverts to zero after the maxim um is reached.
How current session record data is updated
• The following oper ation is perf or med sim ultaneously with the oper ation
descr ibed under “How per iodic records are created and sa ved”.
1. When y ou hold do wn C to star t a save session, the w atch clears an y data
that is already stored in the current session record.
2. The watch measures altitude and calculates data e very five seconds f or the
first three minutes, and updates current record data accordingly .
3. After three min utes, the watch measures and calculates data e very two
minutes, and updates current record data accordingly .
Historical Record
The Historical Record keeps tr ack of high altitude , low altitude , total ascent,
and total descent v alues across m ultiple save sessions . The contents of this
record are updated at the end of each session.
High Altitude
Low Altitude
Total Ascent
Total Descent
Highest altitude reached during all of the sessions.
Lowest altitude reached during all of the sessions.
Total cumulative ascent during all of the sessions.
Total cumulative descent during all of the sessions.
• Note that the histor ical record does not k eep tr ack of relative altitude
change .
• See “Clearing the Histor ical Record” for information about clear ing the
historical record, which restar ts all data v alues from z ero.
How the historical record is updated
The watch perf orms the f ollowing operations when a sa ve session is stopped
(after periodic records 40 records are stored or when y ou holding do wn C).
High Altitude
Low Altitude
Total Ascent
Total Descent
Update Operation
The historical record value is compared with the current
session value, and the greater of the two is recorded in
the historical record.
The historical record value is compared with the current
session value, and the lesser of the two is recorded in the
historical record.
The current session value is added to the historical
record value.
To start a new save session
1. Press C to enter the Altimeter Mode .
2. Hold down C for about one second until REC
flashes on the displa y, which indicates that a
new session is in prog ress.
• During a sa ve session, y ou can press E to
toggle betw een the current altitude screen
and the relativ e altitude change screen.
Mode time
Current Altitude
Relative Altitude
Change Screen
Press E.
3. The save session will contin ue until Periodic Record 40 is stored, or until
you hold do wn C for about one second until REC disappears from the
• You can recall sa ved records using the Data Recall Mode .
Other Altimeter Mode Features
This section e xplains other f eatures and settings that are a vailable in the
Altimeter Mode . Note that all of the inf ormation in this section applies to all
types of Altimeter Mode measurements , unless specifically indicated
Specifying a Reference Altitude
After you specify a ref erence altitude , the watch adjusts its air-pressure-to-
altitude con version calculation accordingly . The altitude measurements
produced b y this watch are subject to error caused b y changes in air
pressure. Because of this , we recommend that y ou update the ref erence
altitude whene ver one is a vailable during your climb.