3. Input 12 number of digits when you are using EAN-13 (7 digits, when using
EAN-8), and then press SET.
4. Use H and J to move the underlining to the size you want to use and then
press SET.
PR I NT? 8
* This number indicates the check digit. The check digit is automatically
calculated in accordance with input data. For information on Bar Code
Specifications, see page E-23.
5. A prompt appears to confirm whether or not you want to perform printing.
Press SET to execute it, or ESC to abort the operation.
• An error message “TAPE ERROR!” appears when you press SET while loading
a 6mm/9mm tape. If this happens, reload a 12mm/18mm/24mm tape and try
again. (See page E-7 for details on loading tape cartridges.)
Part 8 Currency Conversion
Your Label Printer can perform currency conversion calculations according to a
rate preset by you, and print the results on a label.
• Currency conversion printing is available when 12, 18, or 24mm tapes are
specified as the tape width. An error message “TAPE ERROR!” appears on
the display whenever you try to perform printing with other tapes loaded.
Label Formats
• You can input text (and specify its style, attributes and size), which is printed
to the left of the conversion result (“SALE!” in the above examples). Default
style, attributes, and size are used if you do not specify any. Only the conversion
result is printed if you do not input any text.
• You can select rounding to no decimal places or to two decimal places for
currency conversion calculations.
• You can specify the direction of the conversion as either Currency A →
Currency B or Currency B → Currency A.
Converting a National Currency to Euros
• Selecting [PRINT A → B] performs the conversion according to the following
formula: Value ÷ Rate.
Converting Euros to a National Currency
• Selecting [PRINT B → A] performs the conversion according to the following
formula: Value × Rate.
(Round to two decimal places)
To set the conversion rate
RT :
2. Input the rate you want to use. (ex. 1.95583)
• You can input up to eight digits plus decimal point, or a leading decimal point
plus seven digits.
• Remember to input the correct value for the conversion direction (PRINT A →
B, PRINT B → A) you plan to use.
3. Press SET.