The following shows the meaning of each item in the case of list data specifi cation.
Data ............................. data type
C-Level .........................confi dence level (0 < C-Level < 1)
1 ................................. population standard deviation of sample 1 (
1 > 0)
2 ................................. population standard deviation of sample 2 (
2 > 0)
List(1) ........................... list whose contents you want to use as data of sample 1
(List 1 to 26)
List(2) ........................... list whose contents you want to use as data of sample 2
(List 1 to 26)
Freq(1) .........................frequency of sample 1 (1 or List 1 to 26)
Freq(2) .........................frequency of sample 2 (1 or List 1 to 26)
Save Res .....................list for storage of calculation results (None or List 1 to 26)
Execute ........................ executes a calculation
The following shows the meaning of parameter data specifi cation items that are different
from list data specifi cation.
űx1 .................................mean of sample 1
n1 ................................. size (positive integer) of sample 1
űx2 ................................mean of sample 2
n2 ................................. size (positive integer) of sample 2
After setting all the parameters, use c to move the highlighting to “Execute” and then press
the function key shown below to perform the calculation.
• 1(CALC) ... Performs the calculation.
Calculation Result Output Example
Left ...............................confi dence interval lower limit (left edge)
Right ............................confi dence interval upper limit (right edge)
¯x1 ................................. mean of sample 1
¯x2 ................................. mean of sample 2
n-1 ............................ standard deviation of sample 1
(Displayed only for Data: List setting.)
n-1 ............................ standard deviation of sample 2
(Displayed only for Data: List setting.)
n1 ................................. size of sample 1
n2 ................................. size of sample 2
Confi dence Interval