No. Displayed Name Formula Name
30 Conv
Y Conversion
31 Coord Calc Coordinate Calculation (Direction Angle and Distance)
32 CosinTheorem Cosine Theorem
33 Coulomb’sLaw Coulomb’s Law
34 Cubes Sum Sum of Cubes
35 Current Gain Current Gain
36 Deviation Deviation
37 Dist&DirecAn Distance and Direction Angle (Coordinates)
38 Doppler Doppler Effect
39 DropDistance Distance of Drop
40 Elastic Enr Elastic Energy
41 ElecCap ES 1 Energy Stored in Electrostatic Capacity (1)
42 ElecCap ES 2 Energy Stored in Electrostatic Capacity (2)
43 ElecCap ES 3 Energy Stored in Electrostatic Capacity (3)
44 ElecFidEDS 1 Energy Density Stored in Electrostatic Field (1)
45 ElecFldEDS 2 Energy Density Stored in Electrostatic Field (2)
46 ElecFldStren Strength of Electric Field
47 ElecOsciFreq Frequency of Electric Oscillation
48 Ellipse Area Area of an Ellipse
49 Enthalpy Enthalpy
50 Exponent PD Probability Function of Exponential Distribution
Geom PD Probability Function of Geometric Distribution
52 GeomProg Sum Sum of Geometric Progression
53 HeatQuantity Quantity of Heat
54 HeronFormula Heron’s Formula
55 HyperGeom PD Probability Function of Hyper-geometric Distribution
56 I E Force Induced Electromotive Force
57 IdlGasStaEq1 Equation of State of Ideal Gas (1)
58 IdlGasStaEq2 Equation of State of Ideal Gas (2)
59 IdlGasStaEq3 Equation of State of Ideal Gas (3)
60 IdlGasStaEq4 Equation of State of Ideal Gas (4)
61 IncCritAngle Critical Angle of Incidence
62 InducMagnEnr Magnetic Energy of Inductance
63 IntsecCoord1 Intersection Coordinate (4 Points)
64 IntsecCoord2 Intersection Coordinate (3 Points and 1 Distance)
65 Joule Law 1 Joule’s Law (1)
66 Joule Law 2 Joule’s Law (2)
67 Kinetic Enr Kinetic Energy
68 LC S-Cir CR Composite Reactance in LC Series Circuit