k Independent Memory (M)
You can add calculation results to or subtract results from
independent memory. The “M” appears on the display when
independent memory contains a value.
A Independent Memory Overview
• The following is a summary of the different operations
you can perform using independent memory.
To do this:
Perform this key
Add the displayed value or
result of the expression to m
independent memory
Subtract the displayed value
or result of the expression 1m(M–)
from independent memory
Recall current independent
memory contents
Assign a specific value or 1.3+5
(for example)
result of the expression to 2. 1t(STO)
independent memory 3.“M:”(fc), then E.
•You can also store financial calculation value in
independent memory.
Example: In the SMPL Mode, store the value of SI in
independent memory (M)
1. Enter the SMPL Mode for calculation of simple interest
(SI). See pages E-42 and E-43 for more information.
2. 1t(STO)
3. “SI”(fc), then E.
4. “M:”(fc), then E.
5. E(Yes)
•A number sign (#) next to the independent memory
variable name indicates that it already contains data.
Performing the following steps will replace any existing
data with the new data.