Multi-motion image can be used to isolate a moving subject
within a series of multiple images and place them against a
stationary background. Use a tripod or some other means
to make sure that the camera is not moving or shaking
when shooting with Multi-motion image.
1. Press [BS] and then select “Multi-motion Image”.
2. Hold down the shutter button to record.
3. Release the shutter button.
Continuous Shutter shooting will stop and the resulting composite image will
appear on the monitor screen.
• The above procedure shoots multiple images and combines them
automatically into a final image. Do not move the camera until shooting is
• You can configure the maximum number of CS shots, the CS fps, and
Prerecord CS shots settings the same way as you configure the High Speed
CS setting (page 51). Note, however, that the maximum number of CS shots
for “Multi-motion Image” is 28 instead of 30.
Isolating Moving Subjects (Multi-motion image)
Basic Multi-motion image Procedure