Error Message Resolution Guide
Message Reason Solution Reference Tech Note
Mobile Unit Out\nOf Range,
Unable\nTo Receive;
Mobile Unit out of the coverage
Most likely a range, access point, radio,
host or network issue. Troubleshoot the
customer’s environment.
Printer Not\nResponding; Can not print. Check cable, battery, communication
settings and paper in the printer.
Printer Out\nOf Range; Printer out of the coverage area. Most likely a range, access point or radio
issue. Troubleshoot the customer’s
T1113, T1114, T1161,
T1171, T1187 and
Print Complete; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Reprint (Y/N)?; Yes or No prompt for a reprint. Advisory message. ---
WARNING; Prompt. Advisory message. ---
Turning power off\nduring a
session\nwill cause the\nprogram to
This Mobile Unit will disconnect the
session if powered off.
Mobile Unit manufacturer limitation.
Advisory message.
Are you sure (y/n)?; Yes or No prompt for a
Advisory message. ---
You Sure? (YyNn); Yes or No prompt for a
Advisory message. ---
Supported Equipment Manual
March, 2006