
Using the Setup Menu
Using the Setup Menu
This section explains how to configure setup menu settings, and provides details about each
of the settings.
Pressing the [MENU] key while an image is being projected displays the setup menu on the
projected image. The setup menu can be used to configure a variety of different projector
settings. See the Setup Menu Setting List on page 62 for details about the settings that are
Using the Setup Menu Setting List
z The settings that can be configured and the settings that appear on the item depend on
the input source that is currently selected. Under Input Source in the following list, there
is a column for each of the input sources listed below. A “” in a column means that
the menu item to the left is displayed for that input source, while “” indicates that the
menu item is not displayed.
z The Sub-menu Item Type column shows the type of the applicable sub-menu item. Refer
to the pages noted below for more information about each item type.
Value Setting: Specifies a numeric value () page 67).
Selection: Allows selection from multiple options () page 67).
Setting Screen:Numeric value specification or option selection on a separate setting screen
() page 68).
Execution: Initializes a setting () page 69).
Information: Displays information only () page 69).
z The See page column shows where you should go for more information.
Setup Menu Overview
Column name: Input source:
C Component
No Signal No signal being input