Operation Guide 5142
To adjust home positions
Press and hold the crown button (without unlocking 1.
the crown) for at least two seconds to enter the
Timekeeping Mode.
Unlock the crown and then pull it out.2.
This will cause the x
Second Hand to move to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
Hold down 3. B for about seven seconds. The
Hand will stop at 12 o’clock. The
Mode Disk should
rotate until the lap pointer is pointed at
This indicates the home position adjustment mode. x
First is x
Mode Disk home position adjustment.
If the lap pointer is pointed at x , it is in the correct
home position. If it isn’t, rotate the crown to move the
lap pointer to
Adjusting Home Positions
Strong magnetism or impact can cause the hands and/or day of the watch to be off,
even if the watch is able to perform the signal receive operation. If this happens,
perform the applicable home position adjustment procedures in this section.
Hand home position adjustment is not required if the time and day settings are
Any time after you enter the home position adjustment mode in step 2 of the
following procedure, you can return to the Timekeeping Mode by pushing the
crown back in. In either case, any adjustments you made before the watch returned
to the Timekeeping Mode will be applied.
If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about three minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and hands will not move if you
rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in and then pull it out again.
Press 3. A to toggle the time for the currently selected city code between STD
(standard time) and DST (daylight saving time).
The auto mode (STD-AT, DST-AT) settings cannot be
selected in the World Time Mode.
Push the crown back in to return to the World Time 4.
Mode. Next, lock the crown.
Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard
time)/DST (daylight saving time) while UTC is
selected as the World Time City.
Note that the STD (standard time)/DST (daylight
saving time) setting affects only the currently selected
time zone. Other time zones are not affected.
Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it
will go will change the settings of the watch. When
locking the crown, be sure to press down fi rmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To check whether a time zone is AM or PM
In the World Time Mode, press B and the
Second Hand
will move to either A (AM) or P (PM).
Second Hand will return to the city code you
selected after about one second.
To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST)
for a city
In the World Time Mode, unlock the crown and then pull 1.
it out to enter the city setting mode.
Rotate the crown to move the 2.
Second Hand to the
city code whose setting you want to change. See “To
view the time in another time zone” (page E-84) for more
If you think that the time indicated for the selected World Time City is not correct, x
it probably means that there is something wrong with your Home City settings.
Use the procedure under “To confi gure Home City settings” (page E-45) to
correct the Home City settings.
After selecting the city you want, push the crown back in to return to the World Time 3.
Mode. Next, lock the crown.
Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down fi rmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To view the time in another time zone
Unlock the crown and then pull it out.1.
Second Hand points to the currently selected World Time city code.
The mode pointer will point to either
x STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving
time) on the
Mode Disk, which indicates the current daylight saving time
If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about three minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and the watch hands will no
longer move when you rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in
and then pull it out again.
Rotate the crown to move the 2.
Second Hand to the city code you want to select
as the World Time City.
Each time you select a city code, the
Hour Hand,
Minute Hand, and
move to the current time and date for that city code. For details about city codes,
see the “City Code Table” at the back of this manual.
Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone
You can use World Time to view the current time in one of 29 time zones around the
globe. The currently selected city is called the “World Time City”.
Hands and Indicators
Hour Hand: Indicates the hour of the current time in the
World Time City.
Second Hand: Indicates the currently selected World
Time City.
x B causes the
Second Hand to move to
A (AM) or P (PM).
Minute Hand
Mode Disk: WT aligned with mode pointer.
To check the AM/PM setting of the alarm
In the Alarm Mode, press B and the
Second Hand will move to either A (AM) or
P (PM).
Second Hand will return to the current ON/OFF setting after about one
To turn the alarm on or off
In the Alarm Mode, press A to toggle the alarm between on and off. The
Hand will indicate the current ON/OFF setting.
To stop the alarm
Press any button or press the crown button.
After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in to exit the alarm 6.
setting mode. Next, lock the crown.
The alarm always works based on the time kept in the Timekeeping Mode.
The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not x
perform any operation in the Alarm Mode for about two or three minutes.
Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the x
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down fi rmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
Rotate the crown to set the alarm time.3.
Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
Minute Hand to start moving clockwise. Rotating the crown another two full
consecutive turns away from you will cause the
Minute Hand to start moving
at high speed. To stop hand movement, press any button or rotate the crown one
full turn towards you.
Press 4. B to switch to the hour setting mode.
Hour Hand will move slightly left and right to indicate the
Hour Hand
setting mode.
If you want to change the hour setting without changing the minute setting, skip
step 4 above.
When adjusting the alarm time setting, check to make sure that the x
Hand correctly indicates A (AM) or P (PM).
Rotate the crown to adjust the hour setting only.5.
Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
Hour Hand to start moving clockwise.