Phone Manager Users Guide
Phone Manager User Guide Page 42
IP Office 40DHB0002USAR Issue 13a (22nd September 2005)
Date & Time Setting
The Date & Time Setting tab allows you to customize the date as it is displayed in the Phone Manager
call history pane. You can specify between the Windows Default Format for your operating system and
region or choose a Custom Date Formats.
Windows Default Format:
Check this box to allow the Phone Manager to get the date format from your PC's operating system.
Custom Date Format:
Check this box to configure you date format from the settings below.
Date Format:
The date format drop down box allows you to choose the display of the date in the call history pane.
Date Separator:
The date separator allows you to change the separator between the date denominations (: / - .).
Changing the Custom Date Format
1. Select Custom Date Format.
2. Select the Date Format you prefer.
3. Select the Date Separator you prefer.
4. After making your selection you can see an example in the bottom left hand side of the Date &
Time Setting tab. To continue making changes, simply make the changes required
5. To confirm your preference click OK.
6. You will see the Phone Manager call history pane update all calls listed.
A visual representation of the time can been seen in the bottom left of the Date & Time Setting tab. This
allows you to view the time displayed before clicking OK. After clicking OK your changes are confirmed
and saved to your profile.