MoUntInG recoMMendatIonS
Before mounting your Casablanca fan, read the following helpful recommendations. The location of the fan, air circulation, and
fan size are all important factors to consider before installation.
Ceiling fans have practical uses in almost every room in your home. We suggest
you follow these mounting recommendations as you decide where to install
your Casablanca fan.
• For safety reasons, the fan blades must be a minimum of 7' above the
• Do not locate the fan in a doorway or above a swinging door.
• In bedrooms, fans work best when mounted above the foot of the bed.
• Over pool tables, be sure to provide plenty of clearance to avoid damage
from pool cues.
• In kitchens, be sure to allow for open cupboard doors to clear the fan
• Do not install a fan close to or over a pool or spa. High humidity combined with corrosive gases will destroy the nish and
warp the blades.
Variable fan speed capability permits the use of a full-size 52" fan even in smaller rooms. For very large rooms, two fans may
be needed.
General GUIdelIneS
Use the tear-off Ceiling Angle Template card inserted
in this manual. It provides you with a simple “go” or
“no-go” for installing your fan on a sloped ceiling.
For optimum performance and appearance, an
extension pole should be used with your Casablanca
fan when installing on high (cathedral) ceilings or
sloped ceilings. Casablanca offers standard poles in
increments of 6" up to 5'. Custom poles are available
in lengths up to 9'9". See your Authorized Casablanca
Dealer for details.
Blades must be a
minimum of 7 feet
above the oor
This slope is less than 32º.
It is OK to install your fan
his slope is 32º. This is the maxi-
mum slope that will allow the fan to
hang straight down. It is OK to install
your fan.
This slope is more than 32º. Your
fan will not hang straight down; an
adapter is necessary. Contact your
local Authorized Casablanca Dealer
in regards to purchasing a “Sloped
Ceiling Adapter.”
Fan may wobble or vibrate if pole length is
not long enough and inside blade is too close to
downslope or side wall. Extending pole length will
usually solve the problem.
Sloped ceIlInG InStallatIonS
Ceiling Height Pole Length
8' 0" 3.5"
8' 6" 3.5"
9' 0" 12"
9' 6" 12"
10' 0" 18"
11' 0" 24"
12' 0" 36"
13' 0" 48"
14' 0" 60"