When you have used the fi ve extra fl icker bulbs included with your Candelier fan, Casablanca will provide fi ve
additional spares at no charge. Simply complete this card, place it in the Extra Bulbs box with fi ve burned-out fl icker
bulbs, seal the box, apply the pre-paid Business Reply Label to the top, and mail the package.
Candelier Model Number
Serial Number
(can be found on fan or inside front cover of Owner’s Manual)
Customer Name
Shipping Address (not a PO Box)
City State Zip Code
Phone number E-mail address
Offer limited to fi ve additional spare fl icker bulbs per Candelier fan.
Step 10a. Carefully remove candles from packaging materials.
There will be 48 candles, of varying colors and sizes.
Step 10b. Note the number on the bottom of each candle. This
number will correspond to a numbered socket where the candle
belongs on the Candelier fixture. Candles and sockets are
numbered for the width and height of each candle. The colors
will vary. Carefully lower each candle over the bulb, letting it rest
securely on the metal surface. Repeat this process until all candles
have been placed on the Candelier fi xture.
NOTE: The fi ve spare fl icker bulbs are contained in a small box
labeled “Extra Bulbs.” Casablanca will replace up to fi ve additional
fl icker bulbs, if necessary. Do not throw away the Extra Bulbs
box. To request replacement fl icker bulbs, fi ll out the Flicker Bulb
Replacement Request card, place fi ve burned-out bulbs and the
card in the Extra Bulbs box, and seal the box. Apply the “Business
Reply Label” to the top of the box and put it in the mail. (Both
the Flicker Bulb Replacement Request card and Business Reply
Label can be found in your Owner’s Manual packet.) Casablanca
will ship the replacement bulbs to you at no charge.
WARNING: Use caution when installing candles.
Flicker bulbs are extremely fragile.