
Microprocessor controls
Microprocessor controls provide the safety, interlock, ca-
pacity control, indications and accessibility necessary to
operate the chiller in a safe and efficient manner.
Control system
The microprocessor control on each Carrier chiller is
factory-mounted, factory-wired, and factory-tested to
ensure machine protection and efficient capacity control.
In addition, the program logic ensures proper starting,
stopping, and recycling of the chiller and provides a com-
munication link to the Carrier Comfort Network® (CCN)
Control system
Component test and diagnostic check
Programmable recycle allows chiller to recycle at opti-
mum loads for decreased operating costs
Menu-driven keypad interface for status display, set
point control, and system configuration
CCN system compatible
Primary and secondary status messages
Individual start/stop schedules for local and CCN opera-
tion modes
Recall of up to 25 alarm messages and 25 alert mes-
sages with diagnostic help
Two chiller lead/lag with third chiller standby is stan-
dard in the PIC III software
Optional soft stop unloading decreases compressor
speed to unload the motor to the configured amperage
level prior to stopping
Languages pre-programmed at factory for English, Chi-
nese, Japanese, Korean
ILT (International Language Translator) available for
conversion of extended ASCII characters
Safety cutouts
Motor high temperature*†
Refrigerant (condenser) high pressure*†
Refrigerant (cooler) low temperature*†
Lube oil low pressure*
Compressor (refrigerant) high discharge temperature*
Under voltage**
Over voltage**
Cooler and condenser liquid flow
Motor overload†
Motor acceleration time
Intermittent power loss**
Motor stall protection
Low level ground fault
Cooler and condenser freeze prevention*
Low oil temperature
Line voltage imbalance**
Line current imbalance**
Line frequency
Motor current imbalance
Motor rotation reversal
Excessive motor amps
Motor starts limit
VFD speed out of range
High VFD rectifier temperature*†
High VFD inverter temperature*†
DC bus voltage (Low/High)
Capacity control
Leaving chilled liquid control
Entering chilled liquid control
Soft loading control by temperature or load ramping
Hot gas bypass valve (optional)
Power (demand) limiter
Automatic chilled liquid reset (3 methods)
Manual speed control
Manual/automatic remote start
Starting/stopping sequence
Compressor run interlock
Pre-start check of safeties and alerts
Low chilled liquid (load) recycle
Monitor/number compressor starts and run hours
Manual reset of safeties
Chiller operating status message
Pre-start diagnostic check
Compressor motor amps
Alert (pre-alarm)††
Contact for remote alarm
Safety shutdown messages
Elapsed time (hours of operation)
Chiller input kW
Demand kW
Drive control parameters
Compressor 100% speed (Hz)
Rated line voltage
Rated line amps
Rated line kW
Motor rated Load kW
Motor rated Load amps
Motor nameplate amps
Motor nameplate RPM
Motor nameplate kW
Inverter PWM frequency
*Can be configured by the user to provide alert indication
at user-defined limit.
†Override protection: Causes compressor to first unload
and then, if necessary, shut down.
**Will not require manual reset or cause an alarm if auto-
restart after power failure is enabled.
††By display code only.