System software service
• Compatibility—When upgrading the system software, make sure the latest user
software is installed onto all computers that print to the ColorPASS. Using
incompatible versions of the system and user software may result in system problems.
Restoring backup system software
Restoring backup system software returns the system to its default configuration and is
useful for troubleshooting system problems. It is a faster and more convenient method
than reinstalling system software from the system software CDs. If restoring backup fails
or if you are replacing the HDD, updating to a more recent version of the system
software, or changing languages, then you need to reinstall system software from the
system software CDs.
NOTE: Do not interrupt the system while the Restore function is in progress. If you do,
the restore process may fail and you will have to reinstall system software from the CDs.
1. If you have not done so already, first give the network administrator the opportunity to
print the Job Log and save any custom simulations. Also, print the following from the
Functions menu (if possible):
• Configuration page—lists any installed options, patches, or upgrades; records the
customer’s current Setup configuration. The Setup configuration is reset to the default
configuration when you restore the backup system software.
•Font List—lists the fonts currently on the HDD. These include the original fonts that
came installed on the ColorPASS plus any additional fonts that the customer may have
installed. All fonts are deleted when you restore or install system software. The network
administrator can use Fiery Downloader to reinstall customer-supplied fonts after
system software reinstalls the original fonts. To determine which customer-supplied
fonts need to be reinstalled, print the Font List before you restore or install system
software and again after you restore or install system software. Any fonts not listed after
restoration or installation need to be reinstalled.
2. Insert the Restore/Update Server Software CD into the CD-ROM drive.
3. Select Shut Down from the Functions menu (page 4-4).
4. At the next screen, select Reboot System.
Allow the system to shut down and reboot. Do not push any buttons during this time
and ignore the message It is now safe to power off the system.... that appears on the
Control Panel while the system reboots.