• Up to 8 single-byte numbers
The main registration is complete, and a registration completion e-mail is sent.
• A cookie for the selected user is added to the printer, and the login status of each user is recovered.
Cookies for up to 8 users can be registered to 1 printer.
Printer user privileges
If several users are using the cloud service for 1 printer, each user is categorized as the Administrator or
a Standard user.
• The user who is registered first becomes the Administrator. The administrator can change the
privileges of users from the Manage users screen.
An Administrator can change printer information, add and delete apps, manage users, and perform
various other operations.
A Standard user can check printer information and start apps.
For information about the functions that each user can use, refer to the "
Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing
Center window".
Troubleshooting Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center