Create new account
A new registration will be added to the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center.
For a new registration, you need the Printer registration ID.
About this service
This displays the descriptions of this service.
System requirements
This displays the system requirements for the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center.
Software license info
The licensing information of Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center is displayed.
Description of the Main screen
When you log in to the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center, the Main screen appears.
If you are using a smartphone or a tablet, you can also print photos and documents.
• With this service, the available functions differ depending on whether the user is the Administrator
or Standard user of the printer, and also on the management method that was set.
You can use areas shown below to start, add, and manage apps.
(1) Left context menu (Administrator only)
(2) Select printer
(3) Printer name area
(4) Right context menu
(5) Display area
(6) Menu area