
Scanning with WIA Driver
You can scan an item from a WIA (Windows Image Acquisition)-compliant application.
WIA is a driver model implemented in Windows XP or later. It allows you to scan items without using an
The procedure varies depending on the application. The following procedures are examples only.
Refer to the application's manual for details.
In Windows XP, you cannot scan using the WIA driver via a network connection.
Follow these steps to enable scanning over a network.
The setting may have been completed already depending on your environment. In that case, Uninstall
1. Follow the procedure below to open Network.
Windows 8.1/Windows 8: Select the Search charm, then click Network displayed by searching
for "Network".
Windows 7: From the Start menu, select Computer > Network.
Windows Vista: From the Start menu, select Network.
2. Right-click XXX_MAC address (where "XXX" is the model name) in the displayed screen, then
select Install.
Scanning with WIA Driver 2.0
The following is an example of scanning using "Windows Fax and Scan."
Place the item on the platen.
Placing Items (When Scanning from a Computer)
Select New on the File menu of "Windows Fax and Scan," then click Scan....
The scan setting screen appears.
If you have more than one scanner or printer, a scanner selection screen may appear. Double-
click the scanner you want to use.
For USB connection: Canon XXX series (where "XXX" is the model name)
For network connection: XXX series_MAC address (where "XXX" is the model name)
3. Specify the settings.
The currently set product name is displayed. To change the scanner, click Change... and select
the product you want to use.
Select Photo (Default) or Documents according to the type of item to be scanned. To save a
new Profile, select Add profile.... You can specify the details in the Add New Profile dialog box.