FAX-L1000 Chapter 3: Technical Reference
3.2.6 Explanation and parameters for each symbol used in BIH
The 0x of each parameter shows that the following integers are hexadecimal.
Symbol Meaning Parameter Reference
DL Initial layer to be transmitted 0x00 fixed
D Number of differential layers 0x00 fixed
P Number of bit planes 0x00 fixed
FILL Fill 0x00 fixed
XD Horizontal image size at layer D 0xXXXXXXXX Document width
(No. of bits)
YD Vertical image size at layer D 0xXXXXXXXX Document length
(No. of bits)
L0 Lines per stripe at the lowest 0xXXXXXXXX Basically, 1 stripe
resolution is 128 lines
Stripes with other
numbers of lines
are possible when
the other machine
can receive in
option mode.
Mx Maximum horizontal offset 0xXX 0-127 pixels
allowed for AT pixel
My Maximum vertical offset allowed 0x00 fixed
for AT pixel
Order The order in which stripe data is Upper 4 bits 0
attached fixed
Option Option Upper 1 bit 0
DPTABLE Private DP table 0 or 1728 bytes
HITOLO Transmission order of 1 bit 0 fixed
differential layers
SEQ Indication of progressive- 1 bit 0 fixed
compatible sequential coding
ILEAVE Interleaved transmission order 1 bit 0 fixed
of multiple bit plane
SMID Transmission order of stripes 1 bit 0 fixed
LRLTWO Number of reference lines 1 bit 0/1 0: 3 lines
0: 2 lines
VLENGTH Indication of possible use of 1 bit 0/1 Use of 0: NEWLEN
NEWLEN marker segment not not allowed
Use of 1: NEWLEN
not allowed
TPDON Use of TP for Typical Prediction 1 bit 0 fixed
for differential layers
TPBON Use of TP for base layer 1 bit 0/1 0: OFF
1: ON
DPON Use of Deterministic Prediction 1 bit 0 fixed
DPPRIV Use of private DP table 1 bit 0 fixed Has meaning
when DPON is 1.
DPLAST Use of last DP table 1 bit 0 fixed Has meaning
when DPON is 1.