Specifications iR1018/iR1022 Series
Type Desktop
Maximum Original Size A4
Copy Sizes Cassette: A4, Stack Bypass: A5 – A4, Envelopes
Resolution Copying: 600dpi x 600dpi, 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi
Printing: 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi (PCL, UFRII LT) 256 Gradations
Copy/Print Speed A4: 18cpm (iR1018J/1018), 22cpm (iR1022A/22F/22i/22iF)
Magnification Zoom: 50-200%, Fixed: 50%, 70%,100%, 141%, 200%
First copy time 8.0 sec or less (iR1018J/1018), 12.0 sec or less (iR1022A/22F/22i/22iF)
Warm-Up Time Less than 13.5 sec.for iR1018J/18/22A/22F
less than 16 sec. for iR1022i/22iF
Multiple Copies/Prints 1 to 99 sheets
Double-Sided Automatic stackless
Paper weight Cassette: 64 to 90g/m², Stack Bypass: 56 to 128g/m²
Double-Sided: 64 to 80g/m²
Cassette A4
Paper Capacity (80g/m²)
Standard 500 sheets x 1 cassette, Stack Bypass: 100 sheets
Optional 500 sheets x 1 cassette, Max.Total paper capacity: 1,100 sheets
CPU Canon Custom Processor, 192MHz
Memory 64MB (iR1018J), 128MB (iR1018/22A/22F), 256MB (iR1022i/22iF)
Interface iR1018J USB2.0
iR1018/22A/22F Ethernet (100Base-TX/10Base-T) optional, USB2.0
iR1022i/iF Ethernet (100Base-TX/10Base-T), USB2.0
Power Supply 220V AC to 240V AC ±10% (50/60Hz)
Power Consumption(W) 954W max.
Dimensions (WxDxH) 520 x 457 x 378 mm (iR1018J/18)
520 x 457 x 453 mm (iR1022A/22F/22i/22iF)
Weight Approx. 22.0kg (iR1018J/18) Approx. 24.1kg (iR1022A/22F/22i/22iF)
Scan Speed with DADF BW: 20ipm A4 300dpi, Colour: 6ipm A4 300dpi
Scan Resolution BW: 200x100dpi, 200dpi, 200x400dpi, 300dpi, 400dpi, 600dpi
Colour: 100dpi, 150dpi, 200dpi, 300dpi (JPEG)
300dpi (High compression PDF)
Destinations E-Mail/Internet FAX (SMTP), PC (SMB,FTP), iWDM Gateway
Address book Local (Max.200)
File Format Single: (BW) TIFF, PDF – (Colour) JPEG, High compression PDF
Multi: (BW) TIFF, PDF – (Colour) High compression PDF
PDL UFRII LT (Standard for iR1018/22A/22F/22i/22iF), PCL 5e/6
(Standard for iR1022i/22iF)
Resolution 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi (PCL, UFRII LT),
1200dpi x 1200dpi (UFRII LT with PCL option)
Memory 128MB (iR1018/22A/22F),
256MB (iR1022i/22iF)
CPU Canon Custom Processor, 192MHz (Uses Main Unit CPU)
PCL Fonts Roman113 (including Barcode Fonts)
Supported OS PCL: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server
UFRII LT: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003Server,
Mac OS 10.2.8-10.4.3
Interface (Standard) iR1018/22A/22F Ethernet (100Base-TX/10Base-T) optional, USB2.0
iR1022i/iF Ethernet (100Base-TX/10Base-T), USB2.0
Network Protocol TCP/IP (LPD/RAW/ Port 9100)
Paper size A4R, A5R, A5
Paper weight 50 g/m² to 105 g/m²
Max. Number of originals A5R to A4: 50 sheets (80 g/m²)
Document Scanning
speed (max.)
Copy iR1022A/1022F/1022i/1022iF: A4 20 ipm
Scan BW: 20ipm A4 300dpi, Colour: 6ipm A4 300dpi
OTHER ACCESSORIES iR1018/22 Plain Pedestal, Cassette Feeding Unit, Cassette, Card Reader-
E1, Card Reader Attachment, Network Kit (Standard for iR1022i/22iF),
PCL Kit (Standard for iR1022i/22iF)
Some images are simulated for clarity of reproduction. All data is based on Canon’s standard testing methods. This leaflet
and the specifications of the product have been developed prior to the date of product launch. Final specifications are subject
to change without notice. ™ and
: All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
their respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries. Canon Recommends you use Canon Media for the best
results. Please check media(paper) compatibility list to see which variety of paper/media is recommended. Environmentally
considerate production methods ensure that Canon complies with the European WEEE** directives. Lead and hazardous
substances are prohibited from the manufacturing process. In addition the machine conforms to the International Energy
Star Program.
1 Standard for iR1022i/22iF only
2 Standard for iR1022A/22F/22i/22iF
Canon’s GENUINE logo means
quality all-round performance
Specifications iR2018/2030 Series
Type Desktop
Maximum Original Size A3, 297 x 432mm
Copy Sizes Cassette: A5 – A3, Stack Bypass: A5R-A3, Envelopes
Resolution Copying: 600dpi x 600dpi, 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi
Printing: 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi(PCL, UFRII LT),
1200dpi x 1200dpi (UFRII LT), 256 Gradations
Copy/Print Speed A4: 18cpm(iR2018/i), 22cpm(iR2022/i), 25cpm(iR2025/i)
30cpm(iR2030/i), A3: 15cpm for iR2018/18i/22/22i/25/30/i
Magnification Zoom: 50-200%, Fixed: 50%,70%,100%,141%,200%
First copy time 6.9 sec
Warm-Up Time Approx. 26 seconds (Approx 14 seconds for iR2018/22)
Multiple Copies/Prints 1 to 99 sheets
Double-Sided Optional Automatic stackless (Standard for iR2025/30/i)
Paper weight Cassette: 64 to 90g/m², Stack Bypass: 64 to 128g/m²
Double-Sided: 64 to 90g/m²
Cassette Universal: A5 to A3
Paper Capacity Standard
Standard 250 sheets x 2 cassettes (80g/m², 500 sheets) for iR2022/22i/25/30/i
250 sheets x 1 cassettes (80g/m², 250 sheets) for iR2018/i
Multi Stack Bypass 80 sheets (80g/m²) for A5R to A4, 50 sheets for A3 (80g/m²)
Optional 250 sheets x 2 cassettes (500 sheets) for iR2022/25/30/i
250 sheets x 3 cassettes (750 sheets) for iR2018/i
250 sheets x 1 cassette for iR2018/i
Max.Total paper capacity 1,080 sheets
CPU Canon Custom Processor, 192MHz
Memory 256MB (128MB for iR2018/22)
Interface Ethernet (100Base-TX/10Base-T), USB2.0
Power Supply 220V AC to 240V AC±10% (50/60Hz)
Power Consumption(W) 1.5KW max.
Dimensions (WxDxH) 622 x 638 x 665.4mm (iR2022), 622 x 676 x 757 mm
(iR2022i/25i/30i), 622 x 638 x 665.4 mm (iR2025/30)
622 x 638 x 580.4mm (iR2018), 622 x 676 x 672 mm (iR2018i)
Weight Approx. 53.0 kg (iR2022i/25i/30i), Approx. 47.0 kg (iR2025/30)
Approx. 47.0 kg (iR2018i), Approx. 41.0 kg (iR2018)
Scan Speed with DADF BW: 20ipm A4 300dpi, Colour: 6ipm A4 300dpi
Scan Resolution BW: 100dpi, 150dpi, 200x100dpi, 200dpi, 200x400dpi, 300dpi,
400dpi, 600dpi, Colour: 100dpi, 150dpi, 200dpi, 300dpi
Destinations E-Mail/Internet FAX(SMTP), PC(SMB,FTP), iWDM Gateway
Address book Local(Max.500)
File Format Single: JPEG, TIFF, PDF / Multi: TIFF, PDF
Pull Scan Network TWAIN driver (75-300dpi)
(standard for all models)
Resolution 1200dpi equivalent x 600dpi(PCL, UFRII LT), 1200dpi x 1200dpi(UFRII LT)
(PCL Kit-V1 required for iR2018/22 and PCL Kit-W1 required for iR2025/30)
Memory 256MB (iR2018/22 – 128MB standard, 256MB optional with PCL
Kit-V1(Uses Main unit RAM))
CPU Canon Custom Processor 192MHz (Uses Main unit CPU)
PCL Fonts Roman113 (including Barcode Fonts) (For iR2018/22 only available
with PCL Kit-V1)
Supported OS PCL: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, UFRII LT:
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003 Server/Vista, Mac OSX 10.2.8 or later
Interface(Standard) Ethernet(100Base-TX/10Base-T), USB 2.0
Network Protocol TCP/IP(LPD/RAW/Port9100)
Paper size A3-A5R
Paper weight 52 g/m² to 105 g/m²
Max. Number of originals A5R to A4: 50sheets (80 g/m²)
A3: 25sheets (80 g/m²)
Document Scanning
speed (max.)
Copy A4 20 ipm
Scan BW: 20ipm A4 300dpi, Colour: 6ipm A4 300dpi
Dimensions (WxDxH) 565 x 489.4 x 122 mm
Weight Approx.7.0kg
Type Front-loading adjustable drawers
Paper Weight 64 to 90g/m²
Paper Capacity P1: 250 sheets(80 g/m²) x 1 cassettes for iR2018/i
Q1: 250 sheets (80 g/m²) x 2 cassettes for iR2022/25/30/i
P1 and Q1: 250 sheets (80 g/m²) x 3 cassettes for iR2018/i
Dimensions(W x D x H) P1: 580.3 x 569.3 X 116.8 mm
Q1: 580.3 x 569.3 X 201.8 mm
Weight P1: Approx.6.0kg, Q1: Approx.12.0kg
Number of trays One stack tray + Optional Tray (Inner)
Tray capacity Standard: A4/A5/A5R :770 sheets or 100mm
A4R/A3: 380 sheets or 50mm
With Optional Tray TrayA: A4/A5/A5R 200 sheets, A4R/A3: 150 sheets
TrayB: A4/A5/A5R 200 sheets, A4R/A3: 150 sheets
Staple position Corner
Staple capacity A4: 50 sheets, A3/A4R: 30 sheets
Weight Approx.10.0kg
Tray capacity TrayA: A4 100 sheets, Other 50 sheets, TrayB: A4 250 sheets
Other 100 sheets
Weight Approx.1.5kg
OTHER ACCESSORIES PCL Printer Kit-W1, Fax Panel-B1 (Optional for iR2018/22, standard
on other models), Barcode Printing Kit-B1, Colour Send Kit-L1 (Not for
iR2018/22), Super G3 FAX Board-AA1, Duplex Unit-B1, iR2016/20 Plain
Pedestal High (for 2cassettes configuration), iR2016/20 Plain Pedestal
Low (for 4cassettes configuration), FL Cassette-AC1, PLATEN COVER Type
J, Staple Cartridge-J1, Stamp Ink Cartridge-C1, Additional Finisher Tray-C1
(Optional for Finisher-U2), Card Reader-E1, Card Reader Attachment-D1,
Power Supply Kit-Q1(Required for Finisher-U2 and Cassette Feeding
Module-Q1), Signal Converter For NEXUS
Some images are simulated for clarity of reproduction. All data is based on Canon’s standard testing methods. This leaflet
and the specifications of the product have been developed prior to the date of product launch. Final specifications are subject
to change without notice. ™ and
: All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their
respective manufacturers in their markets and/or countries. Canon Recommends you use Canon Media for the best results.
Please check media(paper) compatibility list to see which variety of paper/media is recommended. Environmentally considerate
production methods ensure that Canon complies with the European WEEE** directives. Lead and hazardous substances are
prohibited from the manufacturing process. In addition the machine conforms to the International Energy Star Program.
1 Standard for iR2018i/22i/25i/30i – not available for iR2018/22 models.
2 UFRIILT Standard for iR2025/30, UFRIILT/PCL standard for 2018i/22i/25i/30i
3 Standard for iR2018i/22i/25i/30i
Canon Inc.
Canon Europa N.V.
English Edition
© Canon Europa N.V., 2007 (0907)