Glossy Photo Paper GP-401 / Glossy Photo
Paper "Everyday Use" GP-501
This paper is thicker than High Resolution Paper and has a glossy printing surface
to produce printouts close to photograph quality.
It is suitable for borderless printing.
Glossy Photo Paper is available in A4, Letter, 4" x 6" / 101.6 x 152.4 mm, and
Credit card sizes.
Glossy Photo Paper "Everyday Use" is available in A4, Letter, and 4" x 6" /
101.6 x 152.4 mm sizes.
Load the paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder.
Load the paper with the whiter side facing UP.
Be sure to set the paper in portrait orientation regardless of the printing
orientation. Loading in the landscape orientation can cause paper jams.
A maximum of the following number of sheets can be loaded at once,
depending on the paper size; A4 (GP-401 / GP-501) or Letter-sized (GP-
401 / GP-501) paper, up to 10 sheets; 4" x 6" / 101.6 x 152.4 mm (GP-401 /
GP-501) or Credit card-sized (GP-401) paper, up to 20 sheets.
Set the Paper Thickness Lever to the left.
Printer Driver Settings
Media Type: Glossy Photo Paper
Page Size: Make sure that the setting matches the size set in the
Handling of Printed Output
Do not stack more than 10 sheets in the Paper Output Tray.
Do not touch the printed surface nor stack the printed sheets until the ink is
fixed (approximately 2 minutes).
Printable Area
See Printing Area.