Chapter 7 ISIS/TWAIN Driver Settings
☞ When add-on text is applied to an image, the size of the characters depends on the scan
[Enable] Check Box
Select this check box to enable application of bitmap images to scanned images.
☞ When adding a bitmap image, it is processed when scanning is started. This can cause some
delay before scanning actually begins, depending on the size and settings of the bitmap image.
☞ When adding a bitmap image, a message is displayed until scanning begins.
[File name]
Specify the file name of the image to be applied.
☞ The bitmap image with the specified file name is rotated 90 degrees when applied.
☞ Only bitmap images (*.bmp files) can be applied.
Preview Panel
The specified content to be applied is displayed in the Preview panel.
☞ You can magnify the Preview display in four steps with the left mouse button, and reduce it with
the right mouse button.
[Show preview] button
Click this button to activate the Preview panel.
Text/Bitmap Settings Dialog Box
Here you can make settings for text or bitmaps to be applied to scanned images.