
14-4 Summary of Settings Chapter 14
TX (Transmission) SETTINGS (2 pp. 14-9, 14-10)
Use these settings to customise how the MultiPASS C70 sends
documents. With these settings you can turn Error Correction Mode
(ECM) on and off, set the pause time, and set up redialling and other
RX (Reception) SETTINGS (2 pp. 14-11, 14-12)
Use these settings to customise how the MultiPASS C70 receives
documents. These settings are important because they determine
how the unit operates when it receives a document.
PRINTER SETTINGS (2 pp. 14-13, 14-14)
Use these settings to set how the MultiPASS C70 prints documents.
These features include specifying a paper size for the multi-purpose
tray, reducing the size of received documents, and selecting
economy print.
SYSTEM SETTINGS (2 pp. 14-15, 14-16)
Use these settings to set up important defaults such as the format in
which the date is displayed, selecting the language for the LCD
display, and sending and receiving start speeds.