Chapter 4 Troubleshooting
Message File access error. Check whether the media is write protected or has insuf-
ficient available space.
Solution 1 The image file you tried to open cannot be opened as it is in use by another
application program. Close the file in the other application.
Solution 2 The file you tried to save cannot be replaced as it is write protected. Save the
file under a different name.
Solution 3 There is insufficient available space on the destination media. Increase the
available space or save the file to a different destination.
Message File already exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?
Solution A file already exists with the name you are using to save the image file. To
overwrite the existing file, click [OK] or [Replace all]. To retain the existing file,
click [Cancel] and save the file under a different name.
Message File name too long. Use no more than 59 characters (excluding file exten-
Solution The file name under which you tried to save the file is too long. Save the file
again using a file name no longer than 59 characters (excluding the file exten-