To switch entry modes:
Press [
] or <A/a/12> repeatedly.
<A> Uppercase alphabetic letters and symbols
<a> Lowercase alphabetic letters and symbols
<12> Numbers
Entry mode:
Entry mode:
Entry mode:
@.-_/ 1
ABC abc 2
DEF def 3
GHI ghi 4
JKL jkl 5
MNO mno 6
PQRS pqrs 7
TUV tuv 8
WXYZ wxyz 9
(Not available) 0
(space) @ . / - _ ! ? & $ % # ( ) [
] { } < > * + = “ , ; : ‘ ^ ` | ~
(Not available)
To enter text, symbols, and numbers:
Press a key several times until the desired character is
• Press to delete the last
• Press and hold to delete
all text.
• Press to move the cursor.
• To enter a space, move the
cursor to the end of the text,
and then press [
Enter Text
Enter characters with the numeric keys.
Example: Enter “CANON1”
Press [
] to switch the entry
mode to <A>.
Press [2] until the letter “C”
appears on the screen.
Press [2] until the letter “A”
appears on the screen.
Press [6] until the letter “N”
appears on the screen.
Press [6] until the letter “O”
appears on the screen.
Press [6] until the letter “N”
appears on the screen.
Press [
] to switch the entry
mode to <12>.
Press [1] to enter “1.”