When a Message Is Displayed
PDL PDF Font Error Error Skip
Cause There is font in the PDF data that cannot be processed.
Remedy 1 After canceling the print job, try printing again with PDF data that is compatible
with the machine.
Remedy 2 Perform [Error Skip] and continue printing. However, the data will not be printed
If 'Auto Continue' is set to [On], this error is skipped automatically. (See "Auto Continue,"
on p. 3-21.)
PDL PDF HDD Access Error
Cause An error occurred while the hard disk was loading in PDF 1.5 Mode.
Remedy Reset the printer to increase the amount of available memory and print again.
(Note that all the data stored in the memory that was received by the machine
will be deleted.) (See "Reset Printer," on p. 3-62.)
PDL PDF Initialize Error
Cause An error occurred when the PDF file started printing.
Remedy Reset the printer to increase the amount of available memory and print again.
(Note that all the data stored in the memory that was received by the machine
will be deleted.) (See "Reset Printer," on p. 3-62.)
PDL PDF Memory Full Error Skip
Cause The machine's memory space allocated for PDF1.5 is full and printing cannot
Remedy 1 After canceling the print job, reset the printer to increase the amount of
available memory and print again. (Note that all the data stored in the memory
that was received by the machine will be deleted.) (See "Reset Printer," on p.
Remedy 2 Perform [Error Skip] and continue printing. However, the data will not be printed