Seamless Integration to Let Your Business RUN
Copy Standard
MailBox Standard
Print Standard:UFRII Standard:UFRII,
Optional:PCL5e/6,PostScript3Emulation PCL5e/6,PostScript3Emulation
Scan Standard:ColorNetworkScanGear
ColorUniversalSend Optional:ColorUniversalSend* Standard:ColorUniversalSend
Optional:AdvancedFeatureSet** Standard:AdvancedFeatureSet**
Optional:SecurityFeatureSet*** Standard:SecurityFeatureSet***
SuperG3Fax Optional(1,2,or 3lines)
WebAccess Optional
USBMemorySupport Optional
Function imageRUNNER 3245/3235 imageRUNNER 3245i/3235i
Co r p o r ate S o lu t i o n s
INTRODUCING THE imageRUNNER 3245/3245i/3235/3235i MODELS
The new Canon imageRUNNER 3245/3245i/3235/3235i models will
capture the imagination of businesses that want to run their offices
more seamlessly and captivate users with intuitive features that
increase productivity. Now companies and workgroups can truly
achieve their business goals and perform like never before
through tighter integration with existing infrastructures and
enhanced usability.
Why settle for less when the imageRUNNER 3245/3245i/3235/3235i
models are well within your reach? From copying to scanning,
printing to storing, and sending to customizing, there’s no better
solution for workgroups and small offices. Featuring a new system
architecture that’s both highly compact and customizable, it’s
never been so easy to connect your total enterprise.
Two different versions of the devices are available—an “i” model
and a “Base” model. The “i” model comes bundled with many
standard features for out-of-the-box business productivity, such as
PCL 5e/6 support, PostScript
emulation, and advanced sending
capabilities. The “Base” model is highly configurable and offers
a selection of options to best fit your unique environment.