Sending Documents
When you are sending documents, each
page is sent as a separate image and
stored in a file server. The extension of the
document matches the file format that you
select for sending. The file name prefix of
the image attached to the document you
are sending is assigned as follows:
If you set the document’s name:
The file name prefix is generated by
the document’s name, the transaction
number, and the four digits that signify
the page number of the image.
Example: document name_1004_0001.tif
document name_1004_0001.pdf
document name_1004_0001.jpg
If you do not set the document’s name:
The file name prefix is generated by the
transaction number and the four digits
that signify the page number of the
Example: 1004_0001.tif
If you set the file format to [TIFF], [PDF],
or [PDF (Compact)] while both Divide
into Pages and Divided TX over Max.Data
Size are set to [Off], the four‑digit number
which indicates the page number is fixed
to <0001>.
① Enter the message body text (up to 140
② Press [OK].
A hard return is counted as one character.
You can also use – (numeric keys) to
enter numbers, and (Clear) to clear your
When you are sending documents to a file
server, the characters entered in [Message]
is sent as a text file. However, if you do not
enter characters in [Message], only the
image file is sent to the server without a
text file.