4-24 Bridge Statistics
Figure 4-6. CSMACD Statistics Window
Each of the receive, transmission, and collision errors are described in detail
Receive Errors
The number of frames received on a particular interface that contain a nonintegral
number of bytes (color-coded green). Misaligned packets can result from a MAC
layer packet formation problem, or from a cabling problem that is corrupting or
losing data.
The number of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral
number of bytes in length, but do not pass the FCS (Frame Check Sequence)
FCS, or Frame Check Sequence, errors occur when packets are somehow
damaged on transit. When each packet is transmitted, the transmitting interface
computes a frame check sequence (FCS) value based on the contents of the packet,
and appends that value to the packet. The receiving interface performs the same
computation; if the FCS values differ, the packet is assumed to have been
corrupted and is counted as an FCS error.