Workgroup Remote Access Switch 535
Compression Information Commands
Compression statistics are only available for connections that are using a compression protocol.
The following commands are used to display current compression information:
cmp stats
Displays the compression statistics for all active connections. Refer to Compression Statistics, for
a list of available compression statistics and their definitions.
cmp stats <device name>
Displays the compression statistics for the indicated device. Refer to Compression Statistics, for
a list of available statistics and their definitions. Note that the device name is case sensitive.
cmp clear <device name>
Clears the compression statistics for the indicated device. If the device name is omitted, no
compression statistics will be cleared. Note that the device name is case sensitive.
cmp clearall
Clears the compression statistics for all devices.
These commands allow you to display or erase DHCP statistics.
DHCP stats
Displays the DHCP statistics. For a listing of available statistics and their definitions, refer to
DHCP Statistics.
DHCP stats clear
Clears the DHCP statistics.
ip addrpool
Displays the current IP address pool. Refer to the
ip addrpool
command description under
IP Routing Commands.
The following commands are used to display information concerning both the status and traffic
statistics of a particular frame relay connection.
fr a <access n>
Sets an internal variable. The frame relay
<access n>
will be the assumed current access for
all subsequent frame relay system console commands entered. <Access n> will remain the
current access, until it is changed through issuing another
fr a <access n>
command. The
<access n> is the access index that is assigned to each frame relay access during the frame relay
access configuration.