FDDI Management
4-16 SMT/MAC Configuration
The MAC Configuration portion of the window provides the following
information about the current configuration of the selected interface’s MAC
Displays the index number assigned to the SMT entity.
The index number assigned to each MAC entity currently associated with the
noted SMT entity. Currently, no more than one MAC can be assigned to each SMT,
so this field will always display a 1.
MAC Address
Displays the factory-set hardware address of each available MAC interface.
RMT State
Indicates the current state of the noted MAC’s Ring ManagemenT (RMT) state
machine. The RMT state machine reports the MAC’s current state, which includes
Beacon conditions, Trace conditions, and normal conditions.
• Isolated –– the MAC is not operational because it is not associated with any
physical path. This state is also the first state the MAC enters on power-up.
• Non-Op –– the MAC being managed is participating in ring recovery, and the
ring is not operational. The RMT state machine transitions into this state on the
loss of Ring_Operational status, and leaves this state on assertion of
• Ring-Op –– the MAC being managed is part of an operational FDDI ring.
• Detect –– the ring has not been operational for longer than T_Non_Op time.
Duplicate address conditions that prevent ring operation are detected in the
Detect state.
• Non-Op-Dup –– positive indications have been received that the address of
the MAC under control is a duplicate of another MAC on the ring. The ring is
not operational in this state.
• Ring-Op-Dup –– positive indications have been received that the address of
the MAC under control is a duplicate of another MAC on the ring. The ring is
operational in this state.
• Directed –– the beacon process did not complete within 7 seconds; the device
is sending directed beacons to notify the other stations that a serious problem
exists on the ring, and a Trace state is soon to follow.
• Trace –– a problem exists on the ring which could not be corrected during the
beaconing process, and a Trace has been initiated. During a Trace, the device
sends a signal that forces its nearest upstream neighbor to remove from the
ring and conduct a self-test. If the ring does not recover, each subsequent
upstream station will be forced to remove from the ring and conduct self-tests
until the problem has been corrected.
• ? –– SPMA cannot determine the current RMT State.