Getting Help 1-8
Introduction to SPMA for the 7C0x SmartSwitch
Getting Help
If you need additional support related to SPMA, or if you have any questions,
comments, or suggestions related to this manual, contact Cabletron Systems
Technical Support. Before calling, please have the following information ready:
• The product name and part number
• The version number of the applications that you need help with. SPMA is
modular, which means each application will have a specific revision number.
Where applicable, an INFO button provides the version number; you can also
view the version number for any application by typing the command to start
the application followed by a -v.
You can contact Cabletron Systems Technical Support by any of the following
By phone: Monday through Friday between 8 AM and 8 PM
Eastern Standard Time at (603) 332-9400
By mail: Cabletron Systems, Inc.
PO Box 5005
Rochester, NH 03866-5005
By CompuServe
: GO CTRON from any ! prompt
By Internet mail: support@ctron.com
By FTP ctron.com (
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Password your email address
By BBS: (603) 335-3358
Modem Setting 8N1: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity
For additional information about Cabletron Systems products, visit our World
Wide Web site: http://www.cabletron.com/
7C0x SmartSwitch Firmware
SPMA for the 7C0x SmartSwitch has been tested against released firmware
version 1.02.05 and pre-release version 1.03.00 for the 7X00 Controller Module,
and pre-release version 1.00.04 for the 7A06-01 NIM; if you have an earlier version
of firmware and experience problems running SPMA, contact Cabletron Systems
Technical Support for upgrade information.
As a general rule, firmware versions for new products are liable to change rapidly; contact
Cabletron Systems Technical support for information about the latest customer release of
firmware available.