Monitoring Hub Performance 2-21
Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch Hub View
Figure 2-11. Device Configuration Window
The Device Configuration window provides the following hardware and software
revision information:
Firmware Version
Displays version information for the firmware currently installed on your 7X00
controller module. To view a truncated description, click to place your cursor in
the text field, then use the arrow keys to shift the display.
Software Version
Displays the version of the SPMA Hub View application for the 7C0x
Boot Version
Displays the revision level of the 7X00 controller module’s boot prom.
Top Level Serial Number
Displays the serial number assigned to the 7X00 controller module. This serial
number contains information about the date and location of manufacture, and the
hardware revision level.
Base MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of the 7X00 controller module’s Host interface — the
interface that connects to the 7C0x hub’s switching backplane.
Although the text field allows you to edit and/or delete the displayed firmware description,
you cannot set any changes you make. The information appears in a text field only so that
it will be scrollable, allowing you to view the complete description.
7C0x SmartSwitch firmware
SPMA for the 7C0x SmartSwitch
revision number
Firmware boot prom version