6H122-16 User’s Guide Index-3
Chassis Environmental screen 5-29
Chassis Menu screen 5-14
Device Menu screen 5-36
Flash Download screen 5-74
General Configuration screen 5-40
Interface Statistics screen 5-89
Module Configuration screen 5-37
Module Selection screen 5-34
Module Specific Configuration
menu screen 5-70
Module Statistics Menu
screen 5-85
Password screen 5-8
Port Redirect Function 5-30
Port Redirect Function screen 5-79
RMON Statistics screen 5-93
Setting community names 5-25
SNMP Community Names
screen 5-24, 5-57
SNMP Traps screen 5-26, 5-60
Switch Configuration screen 5-62
Switch Statistics screen 5-87
System Resources screen 5-72
Setting community names 5-25
Setting the reset peak switch 5-84
Setting the threshold 5-84
introduction to 1-5
SmartTrunk, introduction to 1-5
SNMP Community Names
screen 5-24, 5-57
access policy 5-25, 5-58
community name 5-25, 5-58
SNMP Traps screen 5-26, 5-60
enable traps 5-27
trap community name 5-27
trap destination 5-27
trap table configuration 5-28, 5-61
Spanning Tree Algorithm 5-63
Specifications A-1
Standards compatibility 1-7
Subnet mask 5-17, 5-19, 5-41, 5-45
Switch address 5-63
Switch Configuration screen 5-62
Age Time 5-63
MAC address 5-63
Setting the Age Time 5-65
Setting the port status 5-65
Setting the STA 5-64
State 5-63
Status 5-64
Switch address 5-63
type of STA 5-63
Switch Statistics screen 5-87
System Resources screen
current switch utilization 5-74
DRAM installed 5-73
Flash memory installed 5-73
NVRAM installed 5-73
peak switch utilization 5-74
reset peak switch utilization 5-74
TFTP Gateway IP Addr 5-41, 5-47,
Trap table configuration 5-28, 5-61
enable 5-27
Troubleshooting 4-1
checklist 4-5
Uninterruptible Power Supply 5-6
Unpacking 3-1