• Closed -- Indicates that the management station has closed the adapter
Normal -- Indicates the ring is running with no problems, and tokens
are being detected by the management station
Purge -- Indicates that the active monitor has issued a ring purge
command. Communications will be restored when a new token is
Contention -- Indicates that the ring has entered into the active monitor
contention process to determine a new active monitor for the ring
Beaconing -- Indicates that the management station has detected a
beacon frame
Lobe Fail -- Indicates that a station failed the lobe self-test when it
attempted to insert into the ring
Ring Number
This field displays the assigned number of rings on the network.
Stations on a Ring
This field displays the number of stations inserted into the ring.
Ports Enabled
This field displays the number of network lobe ports enabled.
Ring Speed
This field displays the ring speed of the MicroMMAC-T as either 4 Mb/s
or 16 Mb/s.
Non-Isolating Errors are “soft error” conditions that could have been
caused by any station on the ring. Their fault domain cannot be detected.
Lost Frame Errors
This field displays the total number of Lost Frame Errors. These errors
occur when the adapter fails to receive the end of the frame it has just
transmitted. The frame was lost somewhere on the ring but there is no way
to pinpoint where. This can be caused by stations entering or leaving the