Chapter 4: Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP)
4-8 Local Management Supplement
Mode (Selectable)
Select one of the following four modes of operation:
• Use GMRP Filter Unreg – Do not forward multicast addressed
frames out this port that have an unregistered multicast address.
• Forward All Groups – Regardless of multicast address registration,
send all multicast addressed frames out this port.
• Filter All Groups – Regardless of multicast address registration, do
not send any multicast addressed frames out his port
• Use GMRP Forward Unreg – Forward all multicast addressed
frames out this port that have an unregistered multicast address.
The default setting for this field is “Use GMRP Filter Unreg”.
For details on selecting a mode, refer to Section 4.4.1.
Set All Ports (Selectable)
This field enables all ports to be set to one mode simultaneously. The
selection is the same as shown for the Mode field.
4.4.1 Setting a Mode, Port-by-Port
To set the Mode of operation for a particular port, proceed as follows:
1. Use the arrow keys to highlight the Mode field of a particular port.
2. Press the SPACE bar to select one of the following modes of
• Use GMRP Filter Unreg
• Forward All Groups
• Filter All Groups
• Use GMRP Forward Unreg
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 as necessary to select the mode for other ports.
4. Use the arrow keys to highlight the SAVE command at the bottom of
the screen.
5. Press ENTER. The message “SAVED OK” displays and all modes
selected are saved.