Configuring the Trap Table
3-12 Trap Messages
Duplicate of DLCI “n” on Port 428
Each connection sharing a DLCI must be on a different logical port, and two
records have been conÞgured in the FRX specifying the same logical port on one
DLCI. (DLCIs are conÞgured in records for logical ports, IP/LLC2/IPX interfaces
over frame relay, and frame relay PVCs.) Only one of the duplicate connections
will come up.
Severity Minor (Level 3)
Action Check the database records for the duplicate conÞguration and
change one (or more) of the records.
File Update: FRDLCI.DAT 429
The Frame Relay DLCI conÞguration Þle has been updated.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Received Port Disable Request 430
Severity Critical (Level 1)
Action None; however, all users of this port should be made aware of the
Received Port Dump Request 431
The BSC device has experienced a problem that caused it to send a request to send
a dump to the port.
Severity Critical (Level 1)
Action Check the device.
Node Under Remote Control 432
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Remote Control Released 433
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Remote Control CXN Clr cc= “n” dc = “n” 434
A remote control connection was cleared.
Severity Informational (Level 4)
Action Depends on the cause.