Small Office Remote Access Switch 25
Configure the CyberSWITCH
Press 2 to configure the information for our first device, Mike Mann. Press 1 to add a device. You
will first be asked to enter the Device Name:
After the new device name has been specified, a screen similar to the following is displayed.
Information for the new device may be configured in any order. You have control over how much
information is specified for each device, and the order in which it is entered.
We will begin by specifying the type of device. We need to determine if the device will use ISDN
Line Protocol (choice 1), Frame Relay (choice 2), or X.25 (choice 3).This device is an ISDN device, so
we will press 1 for “ISDN Information” from the Device Table Configuration Menu.
The ISDN Configuration Menu will then be displayed with the preconfigured default values:
We do not want to use the default ISDN Line Protocol of PPP. Press 1 to configure this device’s
ISDN line protocol. The device Mike Mann uses HDLC protocol, so we will press 2:
Device Name? Mike Mann
Device Table Menu: (Device = "Mike Mann")
2) Frame Relay
3) X.25
4) Authentication
5) IP
6) IPX
7) AppleTalk
8) Bridging
10) Compression
Select function from above or <RET> for previous menu:
Device ISDN Menu: (Device = "Mike Mann")
1) ISDN Line Protocol "PPP (Point to Point Protocol)"
2) Base Data Rate "64000 bps"
3) Initial Data Rate "64000 bps"
4) Maximum Data Rate "128000 bps"
5) Dial Out Phone Number(s) ""
6) Subaddress ""
7) Profile Name "Default_Profile"
8) H0 Call Support ENABLED
Select function from above or <RET> for previous menu:
Device ISDN Line Protocol Menu: (Device = "Mike Mann")
1) PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
2) HDLC Bridge
3) IP Host (RFC1294)
Select option to associate with device "Mike Mann",
or "0" to disable ISDN access for this device [default = 1]? 2