Never Look DirectLy At the suN
With your teLescope
permANeNt DAmAge to your eyes
mAy occur
Congratulations on the purchase of your Bushnell Voyager Telescope with Sky Tour! This telescope truly is
the ultimate first telescope. The Sky Tour handset will actually speak, giving you a personal real-time tour
of the night sky each and every night. Each tour object will include directions associated with it to allow
you to quickly find the object with your telescope.
After reading through this manual and preparing for your observing session as outlined in these pages, you
can start enjoying the Sky Tour feature by doing the following:
After inserting 3 AA batteries, push and hold the “Constellation” button (the upper left hand button in the
four button section) until the Sky Tour handset starts speaking and prompting you for set up.
To nd your latitude and longitude, please check a map of your area or log on to the Bushnell website for
assistance (www.bushnell.com).
Once the setup is complete, and handset confirms that your settings are saved you should then power off.
To begin using the handset, press and hold the Constellation button until the unit powers on again.
Your settings will be retained for an extended period of time provided that you do not remove the batteries.
This will allow you to immediately enjoy the Sky Tour each and every time that you use the same viewing
location. If you have moved to a different viewing location, you can change your settings by powering
up the handset with the “Mythology” button depressed (instead of the “Constellation” button) and simply
following the spoken directions.
We hope you enjoy this telescope for years to come.