
THE DOA 250 RETICLE – For Muzzleloaders
Designed to be used with today’s most popular muzzleloader loads, the DOA 250 reticle is intended to be
zeroed at 100 yards, and provides aiming points at every 50 yards out to 250 yds. The user can zero at 100
yds on any magnification setting, but for the ballistic reticle feature and Rack Bracket to function properly,
the scope’s magnification must be set to the correct power. The correct settings for the scopes that include
the DOA 250 reticle are as follows:
The shooter can use either .45 or .50 cal ammunition, and either 100 grains or 150 grains of Triple
7 pellets. The ballistic chart provided below is an abbreviated version of the more complete one available
online at: http://www.bushnell.com/
If your scope is a: Use this power
3-9x 40 9x