After completing the last rotational cycle, the compass is calibrated, and will display “0” degrees when
the binocular is pointing straight North (magnetic north), 180 degrees when pointed due South, etc.
The chart below shows the range of degrees corresponding to each of the 8 segments in the circle
to the left of the digital display, which represent common compass headings. For example, when the
compass indicates anywhere from 338 to 22 degrees, the North segment will “switch off” (become
clear) indicating that the binocular is pointed in a northerly direction.
Direction Deg. Range Direction Deg. Range
N (360/0°) 338°~22° S (180°) 158°~202°
NE (45°) 23°~67° SW (225°) 203°~247°
E (90°) 68°~112° W (270°) 248°~292°
SE (135°) 113°~157° NW (315°) 293°~337°
Step 1-Pitch
(rotate 1 full cycle “end over end”,
in a vertical plane up/down)
(rotate 1 full cycle “spinning around”,
in a horizontal plane left/right)
(rotate 1 full cycle as shown along
the binocular’s center hinge axis)
Display example
(Due South)