Allied Front-End Loader
When loading bales onto a trailer, park trailer
s you lift the bale using the regular loader, it
in close proximity to minimize turning angle
and length of travel to increase loading
is recommended to feather the valve to allow
bucket cylinders to extend to keep bale at
about a 20q angle. (On TSL loaders this is
not necessary) Lift the bale only enough to
clear the area that the bale will be placed on.
Always approach the trailer square to the
tractor as shown.
Avoid nd sharp turns. Avoid uneven terrain areas for loading and sudden stops a
fter setting the bale down position the A –
ith pallet forks level and just above the
frame with spear(s) horizontal to the ground
and slowly back the tractor straight out.
ground, drive the forks into the pallet
completely. Raise loader to lift pallet and
carry level 6 to 12 inches off the ground.
Note: The TSL loader is hig
recomm nded when operating with pallet
forks for maintaining a constant level load.
Use the level indicator as a guide to ensure
forks are level at ground.
Avoid nd sharp turns. Operate at low ground speeds. Neversudden stops a
attempt to lift loads heavier than the rated fork specs (42”– 2200 lbs.) (48”– 4400
lbs.). Always lift or carry pallets using both forks and utilizing the full length of the
- 16 - P4110
When driving amongst livestock keep bucket cylinders retracted, and loader
boom at least 6 to 7’ off the ground. Store A – frame away from both play and
heavy traffic areas.
Level indicator