*Standard motor drive range: 685 to 935 rpm. Alternate motor drive
range: 835 to 1085 rpm. High static motor drive range: 830 to
1130 rpm. All other rpms require field-supplied drive.
Refer to this page for general Fan Performance notes.
indicates field-supplied drive is required.
2. indicates high-static motor and drive are required.
3. Maximum usable watts input is 2120 with standard motor, 2615 with
alternate motor, and 4400 for the high-static motor. Maximum
continuous bhp is 2.40 with standard motor, 2.90 with alternate
motor and 5.25 with high-static motor.
1. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units ensures that
the full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using
your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in
nuisance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not
be affected. For additional information on motor performance, refer
to Indoor-Fan Motor Performance table on page 55.
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 52 for accessory/FIOP (factory-installed option) static pres-
sure information.
3. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
Bryant representative for details.
4. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. (Belt drive units
548F120 (10 TONS)*
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
3000 484 0.55 562 560 0.70 677 631 0.87 810
690 1.03 940 747 1.20 1081
3100 495 0.61 607 570 0.76 723 638 0.92 851
699 1.10 998 755 1.27 1140
3200 505 0.66 646 579 0.81 763 646 0.98 899
708 1.16 1047 761 1.34 1199
3300 516 0.72 692 589 0.87 810 655 1.05 956
717 1.23 1106 767 1.40 1250
3400 527 0.78 739 599 0.93 859 664 1.11 1006
724 1.30 1165 775 1.48 1318
3500 537 0.85 795 609 0.99 907 672 1.18 1064
731 1.36 1216 784 1.56 1387
3600 548 0.92 851 619 1.05 956 680 1.24 1114
738 1.43 1275 794 1.64 1456
3700 560 1.00 916 629 1.12 1014
688 1.31 1173 747 1.51 1344 802 1.73 1534
3800 571 1.08 981 639 1.19 1072
698 1.39 1241 756 1.60 1422 810 1.81 1604
3900 582 1.16 1047 649 1.27 1140
708 1.47 1310 764 1.69 1499 816 1.89 1674
4000 593 1.25 1123 659 1.35 1207
717 1.56 1387 773 1.78 1578 823 1.98 1753
4100 605 1.35 1207 670 1.44 1284
727 1.65 1465 781 1.86 1648 832 2.08 1840
4200 616 1.45 1292 680 1.53 1361
737 1.74 1543 789 1.95 1726 841 2.18 1927
4300 628 1.56 1387
690 1.63 1447 747 1.83 1621 798 2.05 1814 849 2.30 2032
4400 639 1.67 1482
701 1.73 1534 757 1.92 1700 807 2.16 1910 858 2.41 2177
4500 651 1.78 1578
712 1.84 1630 767 2.02 1788 817 2.27 2006 866 2.51 2265
4600 662 1.91 1691
722 1.95 1726 777 2.13 1884 827 2.38 2102 874 2.62 2362
4700 674 2.03 1796
733 2.07 1831 787 2.24 1980 836 2.50 2256 882 2.73 2460
686 2.17 1919 744 2.20 1945 797 2.36 2084 846 2.62 2362 891 2.85 2569
698 2.31 2041 755 2.33 2058 808 2.48 2238 856 2.73 2460
900 2.99 2698
710 2.45 2212 766 2.47 2230 818 2.61 2353 866 2.86 2578
910 3.12 2819
548F120 (10 TONS)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
800 1.38 1233 850 1.52 1353 879 1.38 1233 925 1.81 1604 964 1.92 1761
805 1.44 1284 857 1.63 1447 896 1.66 1473 935 1.93 1709 975 1.98 1811
812 1.51 1344 862 1.71 1517 908 1.85 1639 944 2.01 1836 984 2.09 1903
819 1.59 1413 867 1.78 1578 915 1.98 1753 952 2.11 1920 993 2.22 2014
827 1.67 1482 873 1.85 1639 920 2.07 1831 963 2.21 2005 1001 2.31 2091
833 1.75 1552 880 1.94 1718 926 2.15 1901 970 2.41 2134 1007 2.46 2221
840 1.83 1621 888 2.04 1805 931 2.23 1971 976 2.47 2230 1017 2.62 2362
847 1.92 1700 895 2.13 1884 938 2.33 2108 981 2.56 2309 1024 2.77 2496
856 2.02 1788 901 2.23 1971 945 2.44 2203 986 2.65 2389 1029 2.89 2605
865 2.12 1875 908 2.32 2050 953 2.55 2300 993 2.75 2478
1034 3.00 2707
875 2.22 1962 915 2.42 2186 960 2.65 2389 1000 2.87 2587
1039 3.10 2800
883 2.32 2050 924 2.54 2291 966 2.76 2487
1008 2.99 2698 1046 3.21 2904
889 2.41 2177 934 2.65 2389 972 2.87 2587
1015 3.12 2819 1053 3.34 3029
896 2.51 2265 943 2.77 2406
980 2.99 2698 1021 3.23 2923 1061 3.48 3166
903 2.62 2362 951 2.89 2603
990 3.12 2819 1028 3.36 3049 1068 3.61 3241
912 2.74 2469
958 3.00 2707 999 3.26 2982 1035 3.51 3161 1074 3.74 3346
921 2.87 2587
965 3.11 2810 1008 3.39 3078 1041 3.68 3295 1081 3.90 3450
930 3.00 2707 972 3.23 2923 1017 3.45 3224 1048 3.80 3436 1088 4.13 3552
938 3.14 2838 980 3.37 3058 1025 3.55 3362 1055 3.85 3584 1095 4.30 3653
946 3.27 2962 990 3.51 3149 1034 3.71 3505 1062 3.98 3741 1101 4.45 3753
954 3.39 3078 998 3.62 3271 1042 3.85 3654 1068 4.08 3907 1108 4.59 3851
Bhp —
Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
Watts —
Input Watts to Motor