In years gone by, food cooked in large pots and allowed to simmer for hours, was full of flavour,
moist and tender. The Breville Avance Slow Cooker is designed to produce these same results,
whilst leaving you time to do other things, making it perfect for today’s busy lifestyles.
Following is a guide to help simplify the process of slow cooking, allowing you to obtain maximum
satisfaction from your Avance Slow Cooker.
We have also included helpful hints and recipes for successful slow cooking.
A Beginner’s Guide to Slow Cooking
Select the leanest cuts when purchasing meat.
Trim the meat or poultry of any visible fat. If
possible, purchase chicken portions without the
skin. Otherwise, the slow cooking process will
result in extra liquid being formed from the fat
as it melts.
For casserole type recipes, cut the meat into
cubes, approximately 2.5cm to 3cm. Slow
cooking allows less tender cuts of meat to be
used. The bones can be left on meat or poultry
if liked and will help to keep meat tender during
Vegetables should be cut into small even-sized
pieces to ensure more even cooking. Frozen
vegetables must be thawed before adding to
other foods cooking in the Avance Slow Cooker.
When cooking vegetables and meat together in
the Avance Slow Cooker , the vegetables can
cook at a slower rate than the meat. To gain the
best results, position the vegetables on the base
and sides of the Avance Slow Cooker and place
the meat on top.
If time permits, overnight soaking of dried
beans and pulses is preferable. After soaking,
drain and place in the removable crockery bowl
of the Avance Slow Cooker and cover with
sufficient water to reach double their volume.
Cook beans on the High setting for 2-4 hours or
until tender. Pre-soaked beans and pulses will
cook a little faster.
This Slow Cooker has three settings: Low, High
and Auto. Use the recommended guidelines
offered in the recipe to determine cooking
time and heat setting. Dishes can be prepared
well in advance of mealtime and cooking time
regulated so that food is ready to serve at a
convenient time.
It is almost impossible to overcook in the
Avance Slow Cooker particularly when using the
Low setting. A general rule of thumb for most
slow cooked meat and vegetable recipes is:
LOW 6 to 10 hours
HIGH 3 to 4 hours
AUTO 4 to 6 hours