Trouble Shooting
Problem Possible reason Remedy
Oral-B handle does not
operate with SmartGuide
(depending on model).
1. Synchronizing with
SmartGuide failed
2. Radio transmission is
deactivated; radio trans-
mission display (f) is
turned off.
3. Handle has no radio
transmission installed
1. Synchronize your toothbrush(es) (again).
Follow steps under «Synchronizing your
2. Activate the radio transmission by simulta-
neously pressing the on/off (c) and mode
button (d) for 3 seconds until the radio
transmission display (f) turns on.
3. Oral-B handle with radio transmission
installed can operate with SmartGuide only.
1. Short stuttering
sounds/flashing green
light every 30 seconds
(45 seconds in Deep
Clean mode)
2. Stuttering sound/
flashing green light only
after 2 minutes
(3 minutes in Deep
Clean mode)
1. «Professional timer»
2. «2-Minute timer» activated
1. Set your timer to 2-Minute timer; follow
steps under «Personalizing the timer»
2. Set your timer to Professional timer
(stuttering sounds/flashing green light every
30 seconds); follow steps under
«Personalizing the timer»
Gums bleed slightly 1. May happen in first days of
2. Brush head
3. Brushing mode
1. Bleeding should stop after a few days.
Should it persist after 2 weeks, please
consult your dentist or dental hygienist.
2. Try using the Oral-B «Sensitive» brush head.
3. Try using the «Sensitive» mode
Oral-B brush head does
not fit Oral-B handle
Oral-B brush head not
compatible with your handle
Oral-B brush heads that fit your Oral-B handle
do not fit «Pulsonic», «VitalitySonic», «Sonic
Complete», «CrossAction Power»
Toothbrush does not
operate (properly) with
Oral-B app
1. Oral-B app is turned off.
2. Bluetooth is not activated
on your smart phone.
3. Radio transmission is
deactivated; radio
transmission display (f) is
turned off.
4. Connection to Bluetooth
has been lost.
5. Your smart phone does
not support Bluetooth 4.0
(or higher).
1. Turn on Oral-B app.
2. Activate Bluetooth on your smart phone;
described in its user manual.
3. Activate the radio transmission by
simultaneously pressing the on/off (c) and
mode button (d) for 3 seconds until the
radio transmission display (f) turns on.
4. Briefly press the mode button (d) to
Keep your smart phone in close proximity
when using it with the toothbrush handle.
5. Your smart phone must support Bluetooth
4.0 (or higher) in order to connect to your
toothbrush handle.
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CSS APPROVED Effective Date 5Jun2014 GMT - Printed 06Aug2014 Page 11 of 35