Starting Up 3-17
Using a mouse on labels
You can use any of several methods to select a text object or graphic on a label you
are previewing in the Editor window, depending on your preference and the
equipment your system offers.
To select an item on a label
Use the mouse to move the cursor to the item and click the left mouse button. The
item is highlighted with selection markers to indicate that it is selected.
To select multiple items on a label
Hold down the Shift key, then click on the first item, continue to hold Shift, then
click on the second item, and so on.
To move items on a label
Move the mouse cursor to the item, click on it to select it, and hold the left mouse
button down.
The mouse cursor changes to a four-way movement cursor, which indicates that
you can “drag” or move the selected object in any direction.
Release the button when finished.
Checking System Status
To check how much tape or ribbon you have left, or the color of the ribbon installed
in your system, press the Status key (Alt+F11). The system Status screen, shown
here, also tells you your system’s version number and current available memory.