Performance Standard comPonent and coaxial SPeakerS
Superior sound quality and simple drop-in installation make Boston SC speakers a perfect fit for car audio enthusiasts looking
for great performance from factory locations. Available in six models, they’re remarkably lightweight (due to their all neodymium
magnet structure) and low profile without sacrificing performance. They also utilize several key features from our highly regarded
SR line to deliver a level of clarity and balance that makes them best-in-class at this very popular price point.
• Type-S1,-inchKortec
tweeter, for superb power handling and reliability.
• Neodymiummagnets,foranextraordinarypower-to-weightratio.
(Contoured Asymmetrical Tweeter Baffle) delivers smooth extension
and great on- and off-axis response.
• System-specificcrossoverswithtweeterprotection;internaloncoaxial
models, separable and dockable on SC60 and SC50 components.
• Compactneodymiummagnetsreduceinstallationclearancesand
minimize interference problems with window regulators and
trunk torque rods.
• VariMount
adapter rings enable the SC60 and SC65 to fit into nearly any
factory 6-inch or 6½-inch location.
• SC60andSC50useaseparate-inchKortec
dome tweeter, allowing
allow easy tweeter installation in a variety of applications.
• Mountingdepthof2-inchesorless.
model tyPe Size dePth Power handling imPedance frequency reSPonSe
SC60 Component 6½” 2⁄” 65 W RMS / 180 W Peak 4 55Hz - 20kHz
SC50 Component 5¼” 2⁄” 65 W RMS / 180 W Peak 4 58Hz - 20kHz
SC95 Coaxial 6 x 9” 2⁄” 60 W RMS / 160 W Peak 4 35Hz - 20kHz
SC85 Coaxial 5 x 7” 2⁄” 50 W RMS / 150 W Peak 4 50Hz - 20kHz
SC65 Coaxial 6½” 2⁄” 50 W RMS / 150 W Peak 4 55Hz - 20kHz
SC55 Coaxial 5¼” 2⁄” 50 W RMS / 150 W Peak 4 60Hz - 20kHz
Boston Acoustics, Inc. 300 Jubilee Drive, Peabody, MA 01960
T: 978-538-5000 F: 978-538-5100 W: bostonacoustics.com
©2009 Boston Acoustics, Inc. Covered by patents issued and pending. All Rights Reserved. TwinStage, VariMount, CATB are trademarks and Boston,
Boston Acoustics, the Boston Acoustics logo, and Kortec are registered trademarks of Boston Acoustics, Inc. All specifications are subject to change.