
Installation Considerations
Choosing Installation / Mounting locations
Convenience, décor, safety requirements, installation ease, and performance are all factors
when considering location choices. Choose locations that work best for the room and its use.
Examples of convenient locations include; behind a wall mounted TV, lower section of a wall,
and near other installed controls. Installation of the audio output wiring should be in accor-
dance with Article 640 of the National Electrical Code
) and with local codes and ordi-
nances. Do not install the LCAi220 near any electrical device such as a light switch, dimmer or
other 110 Volt product because of the possibility of induced electrical noise. Mount each
device separately using the prescribed electrical box and other low voltage mounting hard-
ware. Check local code requirements regarding the use of such devices before selecting the
mounting hardware. If you are not sure of the requirements for your area, check with the local
wiring inspector, or with an electrician or custom A/V integrator. Electricians and Custom A/V
integrators are also good choices for installing such devices. If at any time you feel unsure
about wiring, connecting or choosing locations consult with a professional.
LCAi220 Benefits
Level Adjust to match the output of the LCAi220 to the central distribution
audio amplifier
Signal Sensing (high and low level) and Input trigger for switching to local
Output trigger for triggering on a connected component (Subwoofer, Etc.)
Great sounding, a perfect system match with Boston Acoustics
Versatility to connect to other manufacturers speakers
RCA and High Level Inputs for simple connection to almost any audio source
Installs neatly into a common low-voltage dual junction box; Carlon B432A or
equivalent; (32 cu. in.) (2
8" deep x 4" wide x 4" high)
Current sensing for simple switching between central and local audio
Easy to install with minimal tools required for hook-up
Automatic DC/overload/overdrive protection
Speaker Wiring Requirements
For most applications, it is recommended that you use a minimum of a 16 AWG (American
Wire Gauge) stranded copper wire. Never use a wire gauge smaller than 18 AWG. The higher
the gauge number the thinner the wire is. Heavier wire should be used for longer cable runs.
Wiring should be done in accordance with Article 640 of the National Electrical Code
and with local codes and ordinances. Class 2 cable (designated CL2, CL2P, or CL2R) is typically
appropriate for use in residential construction. This is a plastic jacketed multi-wire cable. Class
3 cable and other suitable substitute cables may also be used. Table 725.61 of the 2005 NEC
specifies suitable cable substitutions. The use of unjacketed single wires is not permitted. For
commercial or multi-unit residences, other wiring methods and cable types may be required.
If you ar
e not sure of the requirements for your area, check with the local wiring inspector, or
with an electrician or custom A/V integrator. You will require 4 conductors from the amplifier
location to the LCAi220 input, using one 4-conductor or two 2-conductor cables; and 2
conductor cables fr
om the LCAi220 outputs to each speaker location in the r
oom. Electricians
and Custom A/V integrators are good choices for installing such devices. If at any time you feel
unsure about wiring, connecting or choosing locations consult with a professional.