Send message setup
Before you can send a message you have to enter
your network operator's telephone number for
this special service. Contact your network opera-
tor to obtain this number.
1. Press
2. Select
Message setup
and confirm by pressing
3. Select
Send message setup
4. Select
Service centre
5. Confirm by pressing
6. Enter the SMS operator telephone number.
Remember to add "+" and national code
before the number.
7. Press
The number will automatically be used for sen-
ding all future messages.
Having stored a service centre number you have
the option of adding a new service centre, dele-
ting a service centre or editing the number of an
existing service centre by pressing and con-
firm your choice by pressing
The option of storing more than one service cen-
tre number may not be available with all SIM
If for some reason your message cannot be deliv-
ered, it will remain with your SMS operator for a
period of time specified by you under
Under the option
you can specify in
what format you want your messages to be sent -
for instance select
Text message
if you
want to send it to another mobile telephone.
If the message has to be sent via several service
centres to reach the recipent , some networks
offer the feature of sending a reply, if any, back to
you through the same chain of service centres.
To keep this possibility open, you must enter the
Send message setup
option and select
Reply path on
Broadcast setup
To set up the list covering the kind of information
you wish to receive, select the option
Broadcast channels
. The display will
show you various locations in which you can
store the individual channels. Pressing
give you a range of different kinds of information.
Use to scroll through the possibilities and
confirm your choice by pressing
. The
selected kind of information is now stored in the
channel list. Proceed in the same way if you want
to receive other kinds of information.
Some network operators offer cell broadcast mes-
sages in different languages. Select the option
Broadcast language
and confirm your
choice by pressing
You can select whether you want the cell broad-
cast option to be on or off by selecting
Broadcast setting
and using to
select whether the function should be on or off.
GSM-COM 608 GB 28/04/99 12:30 Side 31