D9112 Operation & Installation Manual
Page 1874-06144-000-C 2/96
© 1993-1996 Radionics
Testing the System
After finishing the installation and programming of the panel, make a complete functional
test of the D9112 system. Test the panel and all devices for proper operation. Test after
you first program the panel and after any subsequent programming session.
Service Walk Test shows extra points: Use the service walk test at a panel wide
command center to perform a complete test of the panel. The service walk test function is
similar to the ordinary walk test function, with the additional ability to display points that
are not properly programmed.
If you test a POPIT with it’s switches set for a point with a blank point index and/or no
area assignment, it appears as an extra point during a Service Walk Test.
If you test a device, and the panel doesn’t respond, there may be a problem with the
device, the wiring, the POPIT ID setting, or the programming for the point. If you
incorrectly set the switches on a POPIT, you may create both a missing and extra point.
When you find a missing point, performing a service walk test for extra points may help
diagnose the problem.
See the Trouble Shooting Section of this manual for complete service walk test
Clear after test: To clear the event memory and report buffer, momentarily close the
reset pin. Events stored in the panel's event log are not cleared.